The only thing good I can say about this printer/scanner today is that it looks darn ugly on film. I know, that's not a good thing, but it's all I could come up with. I cannot figure out the scanning procedure on it and my tech support is living in California and on the other side of town. I have NOT given up!!
The Boston Lady is not a quitter. So, bear with me, all 4 of you who are my readers. I have used our tempermental camera to take pictures of the photos I intended to scan for this blog. They will probably be blurry, but one day when I can scan properly I will replace them with scanned shots.
So, here we go:
Most (all 4) of you have probably gotten the impression that this house is run by the animals that live in it and that the humans are merely their pawns. Unfortunately you are right, but we do have a cast of human characters as well and I'd like to introduce them and their new identities for the purpose of this blog.
Well, of course first there is me and my husband:
Yes, I know, we looked a lot different back then. People used to call us "Chuck and Di" and I never could figure out why.
Okay, so I
So, you know me as The Boston Lady and we thought of calling my husband, Mr. Boston, but that seemed a little too cutesy. I also considered Mr. Wonderful, but that sounded sarcastic, which I am often accused of being, by the way. So I decided he should be called Mr. Tennis, since he is an avid player and loves the game. He is agreeable to this name.
So, may I present, Mr. Tennis:
I'm a lucky woman, aren't I? He's
been my best friend for over 31 years.
Mr. Tennis and I have a son. When I asked him how he would like me to refer to him in the blog, he said, "call me the crumudgeon". I considered it, but is this the face of a crumudgeon?
My other missing tech person is our daughter. As you can see, she was extremely gifted as a baby and learned to drive at an early age. I have consulted with her as well as to what her Boston Lady Blog identity should be.
I intially tried to talk her into BBG for Beautiful Baby Girl (here she is with the infamous, super intelligent, yet extremely eccentric Ziggy). She nixed that one. We hashed it out and came to an agreement. Since she is working her way up the ladder at one of the well-known theme parks in our area, she will now be known as: Theme Park Maven. Or, The Maven, for short. She is pleased with this identity.
So, there you have it. Mr. Tennis, The Writer and Theme Park Maven. And me, The Boston Lady. These are the humans in our household and throughout the years we have ALWAYS been outnumbered by our furry siblings/kids. However, we didn't call ourselves "The Fantistic Four" for nothing.
The fantastic four made me smile because it reminded me of those dog tags we got in DC that year we travelled there. Sorry I have a ridiculous memory =)
I was hoping you'd remember
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