Saturday, September 17, 2011

Last Night as a Bachelor With His Buddies

With his posse of high school, college friends and his cousin Chad from Australia.
The Writer is in the middle with the grey pants and his cousin, Chad is on the far right.

Now where do you think this group of denim clad young men went.

Rehearsal dinner tonight! Here! Aaaaack.  Why am I on the computer?!?

See ya!

Photo taken from Best Man, Chris' FB page.  Thanks Chris!


Unknown said...

What a good blogger you are....I can smell Sonny's from here! See you tomorrow friend! Kathy and I are so excited. I bought 4 dresses today for the wedding, still no shoes. I went into nothing to wear panic!

Razmataz said...

Have a wonderful wedding......

I bet those boys were heading to a was involved and likely some shots.....hope the groom drinks lots of water before he goes to sleep...

Chatty Crone said...

I think you are at the wedding now - hope it turning out like a fairy tale! sandie

Orlando Grandma said...

Everyone had a grand time.Thanks for the great escort you had for me.