Friday, February 15, 2013

Have a Relaxing Weekend!

Dexter is ready to kick back and relax this weekend as he visits Boston Manor with his mom.

Panda is less than impressed....

Dexter's big sis, Darcy, likes to pretend she's over it all, but follows him around to see what he's up to. Earlier this morning there was a sibling battle on opposite sides of the shower curtain.

And I apparently have a new blogging assistant.

Hope you are having nice weather and a fun or relaxing weekend!


Olive said...

Your blogging assistant is just like mine. I have cat hair in my laptop all the time. Have a lovely weekend Ann. It's going to be cold here but I simply must get some yard work done.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Aww...they are so sweet! Enjoy your weekend. Debby

rottrover said...

I love that black stripe around Dexter's tummy! Have a great weekend!

Heather said...

OMG... fur babies just know how to pull at our heart string! Love them! Cheers~

Chatty Crone said...

Sweet - sweet - sweet. Glad they are helping you.

Mallyf on Occasion said...

He's such a wonderful addition to the clan. It looks like you get to live vicariously through the maven by having a part time black and white cat! I don't think he'll notice if you call him Pippa when no one is around ;-)

Mr. Connor said...

Looks like ~ kick back time ! Down in the 40 degree mark here so inside kicking back. Great time to work on taxes ~ NOT !

Mullin Avenue Workshop said...

Have a great weekend!
Herb and Art suggested Dexter might try his paws at writing a post! :)
I enjoyed your earlier posts too!
I love the white roses, so gorgeous, and nice coffee table find!
Here our temps are getting warmer in the -20 to - 3 range off and on, and spring feels on its way!
Brenda :)

Robin Larkspur said...

Have a great weekend with all your snoopervisors~ That photo of the new little guy is precious!

RURAL said...

You are going to have to get that book Fang Shui that my friend gave to me...

It's too funny.


Unknown said...

It nis cold over here,it will down to low 30 tonight,a nice change,and it is Feb.after all.We should have a good weekend too.

Claudia said...

I love, love the photos of your babies. My blogging assistant is right beneath my legs in her 'tunnel.'
