Friday, April 29, 2011

Ball Jar Madness Ensues!

I continue to have good luck finding the incredibly addictive blue Ball jars that will adorn The Writer and Sammy's wedding reception.

Like potato chips, it seems, you can't just have one.... going to a couple of estate sales this weekend with CG to see what else I can rustle up. Such fun.

Thanks to everyone who stopped by and said some kind words about our Susie.  It is very much appreciated.


Chatty Crone said...

I have never seen one - but that doesn't mean much - I will keep my eye out too! sandie

Claudia said...

Aren't those blue jars beautiful? Good job finding them! Clearly you're sending out the right vibes.


Orlando Grandma said...

What a good idea you had,it looks beautiful. Today I visited some garage sales, would you believe I was looking for blue jars. It is contagius.....

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

That is such a lovely photo~ it's going to be so pretty!!

Mr. Connor said...

How many do you think you are going to get ?
There should be plenty in some of the old towns you visit. Wonder how old they are and if they are still made ?

Ami said...

Are you thinking of possibly selling some of decor after wedding? Your daughter in law and I seem to have very similar ideas for our weddings!! I am also dying to know where exactly you took the picture of trees with the water behind... For your " outdoors" contest!!! It's beautiful!