Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Today's the Day!

The Maven sits for her two final exams today and then it is:

She's nervous yet confident. Scared, but hopeful.  Keep her in your bloggy thoughts today please.

And just because I know you are curious:

My Christmas chicken feeder.

Hope you have a good day - I'm off to Tampa to see Mr. Connor (my brother).


Chatty Crone said...

Oh I know she is excited and never at the same time. Bittersweet. I will be thinking and praying. Does it all depend on her finals? When will she know?

And your egg feeder is CUTE!


Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

I'm definitely sending good thoughts her way!! Love the chicken feeder and little Boston!

Mr. Connor said...

YEAH YEAH YEAH It is all over but the shouting ! ! ! !

Chicken feeder is aka THE PEOPLE FEEDER ? NICE ! !

Patricia @ 9th and Denver said...

I'll be praying for the Maven... my daughter has finals this week...so I'll remember to pray for both!

Love the chicken feeder-Christmas bling and the boston!

I didn't see a chicken anywhere near the feeder...LOL.
Safe trip!

Olive said...

So it's a chicken feeder. Huh. Will be praying for Maven. Our CC is hoping to get through the ever evil Geology so she can move on to her third year and I can continue to be a nervous wreck for her.

Mullin Avenue Workshop said...

Good wishes for your daughter!
It is both an exciting and stressful time isn't it!
Where I work, most of the parents of the children I care for, are university students, and it is final exam time here too!
I can feel the same mix of emotions in the air!
Your snowglobe is pretty!
It would be nice to see it lit up!
Have a nice excursion!

The Thuglets said...

All our paws are crossed for The Maven!

Your feeder looks brilliant...esp with the Boston!

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx