Friday, December 2, 2011

I Am Oddly Excited By Something I Bought Yesterday....

While goofing off with Country Mouse I found one of these....

I am very excited about it's possibilities, especially for the holidays!

Any good ideas for me?

Inquiring minds want to know what it is:  a chicken feeder...


Janie Fox said...

No ideas but I like it! I have seen the candy idea. but I gots nothing else!

Mullin Avenue Workshop said...

Hi, Ann,
I'm wondering if it could be used for decorating - something pretty inside the mason jar, and small tea lights, in the cups around it?
When, I first saw it, I thought of a bird feeder, for some reason.
It is really interesting, isn't it!

Olive said...

I thought like Brenda that it was a bird feeder. Okay now show us what you got.

centerofgravity said...

You could always buy chickens and put little Santa hats onthemwhen you feed them. :-)

Mr. Connor said...

I'll go with ~ WHAT IS IT ?

Patricia @ 9th and Denver said...

well, isn't that just the cutest?
how about doggie treats? they may too big...
but for the people in your life...candy, or nuts?

I like it!


Chatty Crone said...

I have to admit - I am clueless here. sandie

Angela said...

I've never seen one decorated so I can't wait to see what you do with it!

Orlando Grandma said...

so glad you told me what it was. My inquiring mind could not figure it out. I wonder what Mr. Tennis thinks about it.

The Thuglets said...

Its different!

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx