Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Desert Weekend

We are safe and sound back home in Orlando with a reliable internet connection and some fierce coughs/colds.  This was unique time of year for us to visit, especially our weekend in the desert.

Summers there are scorching, but we experienced cool/cold weather during this January visit. And it was so dry!!!  Coming from uber-humid Florida, we especially noticed it.  Fortunately the lovely place we stayed had humidifiers throughout the house and that was a saving grace for some of us.

Let me show you some pictures of this very unique desert home called "The Sweet Pea Ranch".

Decorated and furnished in what I would consider Mid-Century Modern design.

The Bottle Wall - you will see how this one-of-a-kind wall looks at night, lit up!

Spare bottles for more projects...

Outdoor fire pit - too cold for us Floridians we had a nice toasty fire inside in the fireplace.

Cozy kitchen

Suebee, you want that cooler, don't you?!?

This cabinet held their finer glassware and also functions as a bar.
Concrete floors...

Cute pillows on our bed.

The Guest room.

Bathroom, rough brick walls, yet as nice as can be.

Wood beam ceiling in bathroom and large skylight.

Lots of retro light fixtures such as this one, my favorite.

Outside target practice with BB guns.  Couldn't get them to work, but I knew you rusty types would like this picture anyway...

The other guest room!  Where The Maven bravely slept each night.

Although she had to fight Mr. Tennis for the privilege - he loves Airstreams.

Sunset from the backyard.

What do you see Stanley?

He was fascinated by these easily spotted jetstreams in the cool clear skies.

Back porch at dusk.

See?  I told you that bottle wall would make sense.  So pretty lit up at night.

What a clever idea!

Good night, Sweet Pea Ranch.

Next I will have a post and pictures from our day at Joshua Tree National Park where we saw lots and lots of these:

Joshua Trees, of course!  Anyone know why they have that name??  I will tell you next time if you haven't googled it already!

Good to be home!  Animals happy. Washing machine, very happy.


Olive said...

Love the bottle wall and I do have a liking of MCM design. Joe has an Airstream in our back yard at the old house because well we have one of everything there.

Razmataz said...

It looks like a great place...other than Vegas I have never seen the desert...Looks like an adventure.

Loving that airstream...good on the Maven for camping out in it.

Orlando Grandma said...

Good to have you back in Florida's Terra Firme" Hope your colds get better, see you soon.Love the views of the dessert. Look forwards to the rest of the pictures and some of the personal stories that go with them.

centerofgravity said...

okay Suebee can have the cooler I want the cookware. :-) this looks like a great cottage to stay in. the dessert can be very fascinating especially with the Joshua trees. They're almost as fascinating to me as saguaro cacti. Glad you had a great trip, even happier that yuo are home safe and sound.

The Country Mouse said...

Welcome home! You have been missed, world traveler! Looks like it was a great trip, and I want to hear more about Mr. Groban! See you soon.

Chatty Crone said...

Glad you got home okay. That looks like one of the best places to stay I've ever seen. LOVE the glass wall. And I would have loved to stay in that air streamer. So peaceful. Looks like you had no one around you.

Unknown said...

It looks like you had a great place to stay while you were away. Mom just love love loves the glass bottle wall. Funny that you needed humidifiers, Mom says that she needs a dehumidifier for when she is in Florida because all the humidity makes her hair go curly even after she has spent hours making it straight. I prefer no hair accessories or tools, they make scary noises!

The Thuglets said...

The bottle wall is amazing! Looks like you stayed in a very fascinating property. We thuglets think we would like to stay in an airstream, we have never seen one before!
Hope you all soon feel better.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thuglets!
P.S. we guess you know Pride & Prejudice is the favourite book of all time here!LOL

The Black and Tans. said...

The bottle wall is awesome. Your trip looked most interesting adn we look forward to reading more.

Kit said...

Wow, what a great place! I love the bottle wall and Airstream. Looks like it was a fun trip! Kit

Mr. Connor said...

WOW ! What an adventure ! Bottle wall is the latest way to " recycle?" Hope you get rid of the colds / coughs ~ nasty nasty things hang around for quite a while.

Mullin Avenue Workshop said...

It sounds like such a relaxing, comfortable place to stay.
I have always thought this style of home is so nice, and I love how the furnishings and decor are of the era.
The bottle fence IS pretty at night.

Hoping you all feel better soon. Black tea (orange pekoe, earl grey) with honey and lemon seems to help me when I'm down with a cold.


Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

I really enjoyed seeing this house...really interesting style...and I love the creative bottle wall! Hope you feel better soon, Ann!

marinachavez said...

I can't believe it took me this long to find your blog!
Thank you for your wonderful words...and photos of our little desert casa. My husband is very proud of his bottle wall. He built that whole structure for our wedding back in 2005.

I see you've moved west! Hopefully we can have you as guests again sometime.
Just so you know, It's been oddly humid out there lately ; )

Marina - Sweet 'P Ranch