Friday, February 4, 2011

Freaky Friday

As I've been sitting at my computer the last few days I noticed someone else has taken up grandkitty,  Miss Darcy's spot near the fish tank.

A looming figure, indeed.

At first I thought, like Darcy, Bumby was just intrigued by the movements of the fish.

And because of her higher vantage point she needed to look through the space where the water filter is open to the back of the tank.

Uh, no.  Eeewwwwww!  Did you see the little slip of tongue?

She's been drinking the water from the filter!
Bumby!  How could you?!?!?

Everyone have a great weekend!


Unknown said...

They are funny creatures. I have to tell you about Lola and her first squirrel or I should say half squirrel. Enjoy your weekend friend.

Doris Sturm said...

She did because she could and she will because it is fish flavored water - very yummy if you're a feline LOL

Mr. Connor said...

Doris is right ~ Fish flavored and it is available. I never had a cat do that ~ intersting !

Decor To Adore said...

I once had a dog that drank from the toilet and a family member who couldn't remember to flush. Double eew!

Kit said...

Great pictures! I too have a cat so any photos of cats' doing funny things I just love. Kit

Dexter said...

Fish poop. Nommy.


Anonymous said...

Did you get dem fishies??

Chatty Crone said...

I like Doris's comment - fish flavored water - yum! sandie

Mr. Tennis said...

Bumby definitely marches to her own drum beat.

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

Oh my gosh...this post gave me the best laugh! I just love your menagerie...

The Thuglets said...

Fish flavoured water?

Now Bumby is one inteeligent cat.

Big nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

Olive said... know she wants a fish!