Our big black cat is Susie and I guess she could be considered kind of "primitive" given her beginnings. She was born in the woods behind our house a little over ten years ago. Her mother carried Susie and her five siblings into a neighbor's sideyard. For safety, I suppose. My neighbor was an animal lover and was happy to help the new mom raise and protect her kittens. Another neighbor, who was too much of an animal lover (read borderline animal hoarder) went and scooped up the whole family and plunked them in her house. Long story short, I took in Susie and one of her brothers to keep until we could find them homes. Her brother was adopted by my daughter's 4th grade teacher and Susie, well, she's still here.
But I digress because I wanted to introduce you to "Primitive Susie"
I was at a lovely store in Oviedo, Florida with a friend and spied a booth with primitive art displayed. My eye was immediately drawn to this cat sitting on a pillow because it reminded me of you-know-who.
I carried it around the store with me for awhile thinking I would buy it, but then decided it was too frivilous and I should be concentrating on Christmas gifts for others...
The friend. She knows who she is. (SueBee). Suprised me with a Christmas present. It was Primitive Susie! She had snuck (sneaked?) PS (Primitive Susie) to the cash register without my knowledge. My family thought I was crazy, but I just love her (Primitive Susie - ok- you too SueBee).
They just couldn't see the resemblence. The beady eyes. The steeley stare. The pillow sitting. The quiet sitting for picture taking. Wait, uh no. Real Susie won't sit still for a picture! I tried to get her to pose tonight so everyone could see the resemblence, but she suddenly decided to go into a fit of cat-washing and this is what I got.
Anyway, Primitive Susie has a place of honor on the "Boston" shelf above my desk. And she should be there with them because she's the boss of them. And they know it.
If you want to see a "good" picture of the "real" Susie, just scroll down my sidebar - she can strike a pose...when she wants to. Linking to Angela's Tuesday Show and Tail. Click here and check out some wonderful blogs!
That was so sweet of your friend to sneak behind you and buy Primitive Susie for you! The real Susie is beautiful once you can get her to sit still! Those are some funny pictures! lol I guess I haven't ever tried to take a picture of a cat.
Tuesdays' Show & Tail!
What a sweet and thoughtful gift...I love both of your Susies!
Primitive Susie and the real Susie both appear to be a important part of the household !
What a neat gift and I see your Susie in the primitive!
That is a great story, my DIL and Granddaughter would be your (hoarder)neightbor, they love cats...your friend is truely a friend how sweet of her. I see the likeness between primitive and Susie.
Thanks for sharing a great story of friendship.
I see the resemblence! Being a cat lover/never be without one in my life person, I can see the resemblence. I'm glad you like her. I have to tell you a story, I had a small gift for you for christmas for years(5-6)that I never gave to you. Each year I would unpack this wrapped gift, To Ann From Sue, I don't know why I didn't give it to you. I even forgot what it was, I liked how I wrapped it though. So I finally opened it and kept it. I always felt bad about that. So I wanted you to have something that you liked from me and PK was it!
Enjoy friend and I love you too!
I have a similar affliction with Saint Bernard figures and stuffies. I can not bring home every Saint needing rescue but I have to rescue the representatives from thrift stores and yard sales.
My trouble with trying to photograph anyone around here is they tend to kiss the camera. So I have to put the dogs on leash and sneak up on the cats.
Ahhh poor Susie.. Cooper doesn't like getting his picture taken either sometimes. Love the primitive Susie as well
Thats a great story, I love folk art. How sweet of your friend to surprise you with the glft. Cats do only what they want to do...when they want too.They are indepentent thinkers, thats why I love them.
How nice of your friend! Isn't that the nicest kind of surprise? I love Primitive Susie and the real Susie, too.
What a lovely friend..so thoughtful and kind. She knew you really loved Primitive Sue!
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
I love that story about Primitvie Susie! And she would look wonderful in my house, Ann!
What a great gift -I like both Susies! sandie
That is a sweet friend! I bet you were so surprised. Love the photos too. You have quite family of pets! LOve stopping over. Anne
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