Sunday, August 26, 2012

Cross Country Day 3 and 4, A Study in Contrasts. Or, How We Almost Lost Our Minds....

Yeah, so....
 we woke up to day three with Bovine Bliss outside our Texas hotel window:

Our tough girl, Panda, started exhibiting strange behavior. 

 At first we thought it was the heat, but soon realized she was stressed, dehydrated due to excessive panting.

 Our rented moving truck started acting strangely with all kinds of warning lights going off and sluggish   behavior on very small inclines.  We called the Penske "Help Line" and were connected with a phone tech who tried to help us and then who eventually arranged for us to pull into a truck shop about an hour up the road.

I was prepared to spend the night there with a hyper-ventilating Boston, but in 20 minutes the problem was solved and we were on our way to our destination for the night. 

 New Mexico.
Although it was late and we were behind schedule, we were treated to a beautiful sunset as we approached our overnight stop.

Thank goodness we got the truck issue resolved yesterday because today we spent a good part of our day climbing much steeper inclines.

Vet suggested Benadryl for squirrely Panda, who also wore the Thundershirt, for the first time.


Look at me!  I'm as cool as a cucumber...

Sadie, had this reaction.
Totally relaxed and "who cares?", there are no thunderstorms, afterall, you big baby!

Poor Panda.

No! I refuse to get back into THAT truck!

The Benadryl helped somewhat, and day 4 was somewhat better for her and definitely for us since we didn't have any issues with the truck.

 Surprising since the topography changed drastically in such a beautiful way and we were able to enjoy it because the truck performed admirably.  Thank goodness we got the issue taken care of on day 3 before hitting the more challenging hills.

My view from behind the windshield, bug guts, footprints and all:

And Panda is now fine and resting comfortably, but little does she know she has one more day....

And we get to see The Maven tomorrow as we enter the Los Angeles area.  She will meet us in Burbank at our dog-friendly hotel with my car and Mr. T's clothes and work items and we will have dinner.

Monday we meet the realtors involved with the rental and have a "walk through".  THEN we will have our first night at our new place.  Mattress on the floor, some other comfort items, but settled into our new home nonetheless as best as we can until the "unloaders" arrive on Tuesday.

Almost there...

Blue Skies.


Razmataz said...

Oh I know how dogs can stress in the car. Our Gracie was awful and literally shook until her elbows bled. I used to bandage them with liquid bandage before we got in the car and then have her on a bed of dense foam and her softie blanket. We tried every drug going to sedate her, but nothing worked. Her stress stressed me out a lot.

Safe travelling today and have a smooth move.

Unknown said...

Hang in there Panda, you are almost there. I bet you had a scare. Seeing Wendy's smile will be such a welcome sight. I hope the truck and the rideres will be ok the rest of the way. I know your guardian angels are hovering around, it is a big job but they are up to it. You guys are doing a super job, hang in there.


Mr. Connor said...

Yeah ~ PANDA ! Almost there. You have had quite a time of it. You are going to miss the hurricane !

Dexter said...

Glad the thundershirt worked out. Poor little dear.

Mango Momma

Kit said...

Wow! Almost there. Sorry to hear you had some truck problems and doggie problems too. But you will soon be there and all will be well. :) Kit

Patricia @ 9th and Denver said...

Ick! truck problems. That's un-nerving on Humans...imagine being a dog and not knowing one I-ota about nothing!

glad the thunder shirt is working...sounds like Ann needs a thunder shirt!
Will the Maven please give you hug,
When you see her?! That will be oh!so helpful.

Glad you made it through Texas!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I sure hope the puppies are feeling better now and can enjoy the rest of the trip. I love the NM red mesas! I lived near Grants, NM for a few's beautiful! Take care! Happy travels!

Chatty Crone said...

I know your poor puppies are having a hard time, but you are indeed getting there. It seems to me the more you drive - the more you see the changes - and your new life. sandie

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Your babies are so cute!