Monday, July 11, 2011

A Beautiful Mola for Under $2!

Imagine my surprise when I was perusing the thrift store last week and came upon this gorgeous Mola, framed and mounted beautifully.

Imagine my shock when I saw the pricetag - $1.91! 

What are Molas?  They are the traditional artwork of the Cuna Indians of Panama.  They are handstitched and painstakingly assembled by these talented natives of Orlando Grandma's birthplace, Panama.

I know that she realizes what a bargain I got on this peice of art because she has purchased many of them in Panama, herself.
I was impressed with the intricate stitching and bright colors of this one and snapped it up without a second thought.

I have my husband's grandfather's fish Mola in our spare bathroom and while it is just as beautiful, you can see the more simplistic design and stitching.

What do you think Orlando Grandma?  Did I get a bargain?


Kit said...

OMG!! What a great find. I wonder how it came to be there. It was meant for you for sure! Kit

Orlando Grandma said...

A bargain and a half,it is framed down in Panama, that is the way they do it with the burlap and all. What a surprise,congratulations on a gret find.

Chatty Crone said...

I have never heard or seen a Mola - but I have to say it is a very nice piece. You get the best stuff at these sales.

Patricia @ 9th and Denver said...

I've never seen or heard of a MOLA either...but it is truly beautiful.
Hmmm... don't know if I like the birds or fish better.
So you have two now...that means you have started collecting! ha!
$1.91 doesn't sound to shabby either for a hand crafted item either.

Mr. Connor said...

Sure struck gold on this find . A lot of work / time goes into making one of these. Got lucky , right ?

Orlando Grandma said...

Another surprise for Orlando Grndma is that I I have met and spoken to both of the indians in the picture and know exactly the spot where they are standing. The Cuna tribe is an interesting one, they live on small islnands on Atlantic side of the country and have their own goverment. Several of the leaders have been educated in religious and well known eastern Universities in the USA on scholarships helped by Methodists missionaries who work in Panama.

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

That is really beautiful, Ann! Sometimes something just has your name on it!